Monday 17 February 2014

Worker Participation In Safety Program

  1. On each job-site where 5 or more workers are employed, Health and Safety Representative is chosen by the workers. Duties and powers of the Health and Safety Representative are listed in Section 8 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act of Ontario and section 14 of this program.
  2. Employees are required to promptly report Health and Safety concerns and suggestions for improvement, regarding health and safety, to their Supervisor. Concerns may be reported verbally or on one of our Safety Action Forms. Any Employee who submits a Safety concern written on one of these forms will receive a written response within 21 days.
  1. In the unlikely event that Workers are directed to perform work that would endanger themselves or another person, they are required to exercise their right, under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, to refuse unsafe work. Procedures to be followed, by all workplace parties in the event of a work refusal, are outlined in the United Brotherhood of Carpenters manual.

  1. Workers who knowingly fail to work safely will be written up on a Safety Action Report Form by the supervisor, business manager and or operations manager. Safety Action Report Forms are reviewed and signed by the operations manager every 21 days. Workers who have been written up for unsafe acts will receive the following disciplinary actions from the operations manager. First offenders will receive a verbal warning, the second offence will result in a written warning, the third offence will result in a suspension based on the severity of the offence and the forth offence will receive a dismissal or suspension based on the severity of the offence and past re-occurrences.

2) Location of Programs, Procedures and Policies
Written copies of our Health and Safety Program and Safe Operating Procedures Manuals are kept in the Office area beside the job board.
3)Education and Training
The goal of our Health and Safety training program is to prevent injuries while complying with legal and company standards.

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